12 November 2007

Jennie Garth: happy to shed her baby weight

Former 90210 star, Jennie Garth reveals in Us Weekly that her recent foray on Dancing with the Stars has allowed her to drop her baby weight faster than just diet and normal exercise. She says:
"When I decided to do [Dancing with the Stars], I did pilates three days a week and cardio twice. I hated it, but it helped. Once I started dancing, things changed faster than when I was just working out."

Like Trista Sutter a few posts ago, Garth is even more pleased that after dropping 10 pounds, she can fit into her skinny jeans:

"My jeans were a 29 when I started, and I'm wearing a 27 now," she explains. "It's great to be able to go to the back of my closet and get the clothes I wore [prebaby]."

*Sigh* It never ceases to amaze me how depressed I feel when I read things like this. Why does something like 2 inches have to be the defining feature of a woman's social value or the make or break factor for her self-esteem?

Garth's husband, Peter Facinelli apparently is happier with his wife when she is thin as well:

'It's like I got a new car!'" she tells Us. "He can't keep his hands off me. To the point that it's like, enough!"

Are you kidding me? Well, I believe it was the 'old' car that pushed out three babies and I find it really unnerving that this sort of comment is written off with a laugh like 'Oh haha! Isn't it hilarious that my husband thought I was fat and decidedly unsexy post-pregnancy but now that I'm thin, I'm once again worthy of his love!'

Source: http://www.usmagazine.com/jennie_draft

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