15 August 2008

British dads doing it tough?

A survey of 3,000 dads across the UK has produced some intriguing results:

42% of new fathers say they argue more with their partners since the birth of a child, mostly about money

70% of 'older' dads get more sleep than their partners

26 % of dads in their twenties get less sleep than their female partners

49% of fathers get up in the middle of the night to attend to their babies

53% of 'older' dads do night-time feeds

British dads in their thirties are the most 'hands on':

61% claim to regularly changing nappies

58% regularly feed the baby

56% calm their baby when he or she cries

Dads in their late forties struggle the most with parenthood:

52% feel helpless when the baby is crying

How does your partner stack up against these stats? How often does your male partner feed, change, or settle your baby? Do you think new fathers need more support?

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1044855/Round-Babies-bring-battles-bonding-relationships.html

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