"Pumping is no fun—whether it’s more boring or more lonesome I find hard to say—but it has recently become so common that even some women who are home with their babies all day long express their milk and feed it in a bottle. Behind closed doors, the nation begins to look like a giant human dairy farm."
Check it out: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/01/19/090119fa_fact_lepore?currentPage=1
How many of you out there pump? Does your workplace have a room for expressing or nursing?
I will be pumping when I return to work. My workplace doesn't have a separate room for it, I'll be using the "lounge" area attached to the restrooms and a privacy screen.
I pumped when I returned to work after my first two children. It hurt, my milk didn't always want to let down and my children wouldn't take a bottle if they could see or hear me. Bloody medieval torture device really but needs must...
Am staying home with no. 3 till she's in pre school.
My wife started to pump since the birth of our baby, cause she had jaundice due to ABO incompatibility, so she had to be separated from us to receive phototherapy. Poor her...
I will put your link on my blog
Many thanks for your favorable reply
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