05 February 2008

More products you don't need

It never ceases to amaze me the sheer number of products sold to women to 'enhance' their pregnancies whilst scaring them to death at the same time. Enter 'KickTrak', 'the first innovative digital solution to kick counting, designed by an obstetrician for moms-to-be'. This handheld device is being endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association as a 'must have' for mums who want to prevent stillbirth in the last trimester and apparently they can do so by keeping a 'reliable record' of the baby's kicks. Clearly, women cannot be trusted to feel kicks and look at the second hand of clock at the same time.

Pregnancy is hard enough. I don't think women need any more 'advice' or gadgets to remind them every day of the possibility that birth is uncertain and babies can (and do) die. I find it offensive that this device purportedly 'stores' information better than the mother herself and actually prompts a pregnant woman to notify her doctor (because of course, all pregnant women see obstetricians and give birth in hospitals) if a particular number/pattern of kicks is not felt on a certain day. This is just an easy way for a big company to profit from the neuroses of first-time mothers.

1 comment:

herself said...

BOO American Pregnancy Association -- this is horrifying. I understand some mamas might feel so unsure of themselves as to want to buy a device to tell them that yes, they're actually feeling baby kick... but for APA to actually encourage (EXPLOIT!) mothers' self-doubts by endorsing this as a "'must have' for mums who want to prevent stillbirth"?!?

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