03 August 2008

One-to-one midwifery care in Queensland

Good things are happening in Queensland.

Anyway. Turns out preggo women in Queensland are going to get one-to-one midwifery care from conception straight through to the first few weeks of motherhood. Seeing as some women were seeing up to 16 different midwives throughout their pregnancies and beyond, Premier Anna Bligh decided enough was enough.

'This is about delivering personal, professional and local support to regional Queensland mums and mums-to-be: from the moment they conceive right through to the early weeks of motherhood,' Ms Bligh said.

'They will have access to the same midwife, or small team of midwives, for every stage of pregnancy - someone familiar to answer their questions and support them through this very emotional time'.

Source: http://news.theage.com.au/national/new-midwifery-services-plan-for-qld-20080803-3p7k.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blimey - from the moment they conceive! I wouldn't want to be a midwife in Queensland:-)

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